Details about Neurofeedback

How Neurofeedback Works

Neurofeedback trains the brain to regulate bodily functions and mental processes. Many cognitive, emotional, or physical issues can be traced back to a poorly functioning brain. Training your brain to improve its function can help it take better care of you, just like physical exercise can improve your physical health. We can usually determine that the brain is not functioning well using an EEG (electroencephalogram). Restoring function to the brain using neurofeedback can alleviate a large variety of physical and emotional problems. Sleep patterns may improve, allowing increased alertness during the day. Neurofeedback can reduce anxiety and depression as well as syndromes such as migraines or chronic pain. Hyperactivity, attention deficit, post-traumatic stress, and emotional instability are also frequently visible as abnormalities in the EEG and can be addressed using neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback treatment can also help with certain syndromes and issues, including traumatic brain injury, seizures, autism, and stroke cases. In these instances, the training may not eliminate the problem or disorder itself, but rather assists the brain to function normally despite the injury.

One of the technique’s great strengths is that it draws upon the brain’s own ability to learn and adapt. Neurofeedback therapy is absolutely non-invasive, and rather than trying to affect the body from the outside, it helps the brain deal with any problems at the foundation. Neurofeedback therapy simply makes certain characteristics of the brain’s operation visible to the conscious mind.

Neurofeedback training can help both children and adults. In fact, thanks to the innate flexibility of a growing child’s mind, neurofeedback is especially effective for children. Hyperactivity, attention deficit, temper tantrums, and conduct problems are more often exhibited by children than by adults, and can be effectively treated. Furthermore, once the brain has learned to function normally, the effect is usually lasting, and relapse rarely occurs.

Because neurofeedback therapy trains the brain to operate effectively, its applications are not limited to recovering from injury or coping with problems. Neurofeedback training is also valuable to bring the brain back on track after day-to-day stress, or to facilitate peak performance, for example, for professional athletes or corporate executives. People practicing meditation also report an enhanced ability to quiet racing thoughts and deeper, more profound, meditation experiences.


We aim to support clients through the healing process. However, we recommend that you inform your current medical doctor, therapist or psychologist that you are receiving Neurofeedback training. Brain maps are not intended to provide a diagnosis, but are used to evaluate the state of dysregulation in the brain. Our services are designed to be complementary, not to replace any other medical or healthcare service or therapy.


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