
Meditation-Retreat-Week in Lakemont, Georgia

September 9-13, 2019, Marty leads the 1-week meditation retreat at the Center for Spiritual Awareness (CSA) in Lakemont Georgia. If you want to join us for in the lovely northern mountains near Lake Rabun for this retreat, please contact us.

Start of 5-year Meditation & Neurofeedback project

January 2019, the project “The Way of Neurofeedback” (WON) xxx how spiritual growth can be enhanced through neurofeedback. The 5-year-project is funded by Stefan Hearst and will guide meditators in the new millennium. Read more here.

Gwen Marley joins our team

November 2018, Gwen Marley joins our team as our receptionist, administrative assistant and neurofeedback technician. As a psychology student she is eager to learn about neurotherapy and will soon support our team as a neurofeedback technician. Welcome Gwen!

Project start on Autism and Social Evoked Potentials

October 2018, in a collaboration with the University of Jena, Germany (Prof. Stefan R. Schweinberger). This project focuses on improving social cognition and interaction in people with ASDs via neurofeedback training (NFT). The project aims at delivering a specific...


We aim to support clients through the healing process. However, we recommend that you inform your current medical doctor, therapist or psychologist that you are receiving Neurofeedback training. Brain maps are not intended to provide a diagnosis, but are used to evaluate the state of dysregulation in the brain. Our services are designed to be complementary, not to replace any other medical or healthcare service or therapy.


212 Cottage Grove Ave, Suite A

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