Neurofeedback for you

With over 35 years’ experience treating clients world-wide, we have developed specific programs to accommodate our clients’ unique needs. We offer 3 different programs:

  • 2-Week-Intensives (our most recommended program): 20 sessions within 2 weeks
  • Weekly-Sessions: 1 to 5 sessions per week on a consecutive basis
  • Remote Neurofeedback:  Neurofeedback at home (20 sessions included)


We aim to support clients through the healing process. However, we recommend that you inform your current medical doctor, therapist or psychologist that you are receiving Neurofeedback training. Brain maps are not intended to provide a diagnosis, but are used to evaluate the state of dysregulation in the brain. Our services are designed to be complementary, not to replace any other medical or healthcare service or therapy.


212 Cottage Grove Ave, Suite A

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(805) 705 0052

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